Have you ever heard about Musicake?
Musicake is a project shared between friends about the world of music, whether it be Pop, Rock,
Indie, Electronic, R&B, Hip Hop, etc.
The story behind Musicake
The project began as an idea in Tiago’s mind in 2008, and became a reality in Brazil when he met Mell
in 2012. In the beginning there were 5 Brazilian Cakers. After a long pause, Ana, one of the first
Cakers who joined the duo, decided it was time to meet each Caker around the world, which actively
saw the debut of the website in 2014.
Cakers from other countries such as Poland, Germany and France have all collaborated to improve
Musicake, allowing you to find the English version of the website to facilitate the sharing of
information world-wide. Future posts may be seen in the Portuguese, French or Polish languages.
They will also be translated to English. Our goal is that you receive the best information from the
music world. If you find mistakes in any of our postings, please assist us in any way to strengthened
the site.
Do you want to be a part of Musicake?
Check out our website for updates.
To view our site information, look for us on Facebook, www.musicake.com.br, and www.musicake.net.
Feel free to have a look at our Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud and YouTube accounts.
Regardless of what your music preference is, send us songs, suggestions, or critics, and we will gladly
review, read and listen to all information forwarded to our sites.
Stay tuned!